It's okay to lose
It's okay to failed
It's okay to fall
Those hard times will passed
Today will be tomorrow
Tomorrow willthen goes by
One thing yang I always reminds myself is to be grateful first, to bersangka baik dulu dengan Tuhan. Selagi kita bersangka baik dengan ujian/aturan Allah, Allah akan berikan berita gembira berjuta kali baik daripada benda buruk yang jadi kat kita. We can't control our live, we can't control what happen next, jadi serahkan jiwa kepada Tuhan yang mengaturkan segalanya. He will return you the favor.
My paranoid self makes me to be very cautious over small little things, because they matter. So, untuk selamatkan diri, I can't rely on somebody to makes me feel better. There comes; a quote a day, count your blessings, what are you grateful for today - section in my planner. First, second time buat rasa takde apa-apa. Masuk weeks, you will start to feel the differences where you start to see things differently.
In our live, setiap masa dan umur yang diberikan we should improve and improve more. Works on meningkatkan kualiti hidup kita, sifat kita, reaction kita. Semua orang idam bahagia tapi relaxlah, bahagia yang abadi kan kat syurga :)