Loves in the same package
20:32I had fun loving myself.
This time it is a bit different, i guess...
Previously, I learnt that loving myself is to keep myself away from harmful people and society.
Now, I learn to take care of myself and love it dearly.
Fun. Believe me that is the fittest word i can give.
This somehow will sounds materialistic but i don't mind.
Because I don't live to please anybody ;)
I had fun scrubbing my face, shampoo-ing myself with a shampoo with fancy bottle, use conditioner, even have other shampoo that i can use depends on situation (yeah i know this sound silly), i had fun putting lotion on my hand, wear nice-smells-masker, having few creams lololololol. I knowwww this sound silly. I also thought the same at first.
I honestly don't remember when is the last time i bought shampoo (lol of course i have shampoo but i just blindly bought anything cheap from any convenient store, use the trial packs i got from the street and sometimes stole it from my house haha), i don't remember the last time i care about my rough hands, my scars (name it; ekzos, seterika, minyak panas, kuali panas, nyamuk, ulat pelik, serangga dari kampung, calar balar), i have it all and i thought its NORMAL!
It turns out to be that its not normal! I just figured it out huhu. But it doesnt matter, its better late than never. Why is this an important point in my life? Because someone did it for me ACTUALLY. IT DOESN'T COME TO ME NATURALLY BABEH! So there is a guy (you know who he is), are taking care of my -everythinggggg- more than myself and i'm so embarrassed hewhewww. At first i was just like ha ikut jelah, Alex terer banyak benda. And who knows those little things are the thing that make me so happy everyday.
I don't know what else but I enjoyed appreciating myself. Toldya, bukan selalu. No no we got to be really economic! Can't always buy fancy things or buy anything in fancy bottle or container hahahhaha. DAMN MY STIGMA,MY HABIT! XD
Bukan selalu, this should be our vitamin sometimes. These days, everyday felt bitter, I don't really feel happy.
Now I even went to the gym lalala. Yes, my money like burning down haha tapi let just try and see what is the hikmah behind it. Who knows, esok lusa maybe dah tak dapat merasa nikmat berjalan, berlari and so on...
Fighting everyone, fighting!