Skincare Product [Part 1]


Assalamualaikum & hi agaaaaaaaaaaaaain like neveeeeeeeeer end.

From today and now on, I will update the progress of my skin hereeee in this blog. Why? I think I should lah, since dulu lagi sejak bertukar-tukar product ni. I toldya kalau aku boleh refund semua duit yang dah aku tabur on skincare & collagen drinks; aku boleh jadi kaya hahaha. Walhal, tidak juga cantiknya :')

So today is my day 3 pakai Royal Expert White, only sabun and lightening cream yang baru launch few days ago. And guess what, Alhamdulillah I can see some good changes on my face. Walaupun saya sangat teragak-agak apabila melihat cream nya yang weirdo! Swear, aku termenung selepas tengok rupa cream tu tempoh hari. I personally hateeeeeeeeee any cream/day cream yang tekstur dia keras. Serious aku jadi macam em hilang mood. But this one, not keras yang kesang, gersang tu. Its a balm-like texture. Dia kesat sikit hahaha. Awal-awal tak biasa, aku macam kekok sangat bila salat benda tu kat muka hahahaha. But still, its soft inside. Cuma payah sikit nak apply esp utk muka pores besar macam aku and now tengah kering bersisik ni.

Morever, there is no pimple anymore? yet? And area muka yang looks like sotong bakar tu dah reduced in colour, it still red but its fading slowly I can say. Sebelum ni merah nak warna maroon dah. And tempat yang macam terbakar ni is actually dekat area half inch bawah mata, atas pipi. Tekstur? Macam plastik. Rasa macam plastik,bunyi bila kau gosok/pegang dia pun macam plastik. Idk how many mercury/hydroqunoin yang dah mendap dalam tu. Other than that is fine just parut & hyper pigmentation; kesan daripada breakout haritu.

Now the 'plastic area' not really feels like plastic, alhamdulillah. It feels ada satu layer on top of it. It still kasar, kesat but getting much better. Just need to keep hydrated, bersabar and chill. I just don't want to buy anything else hahaha, I need to see how REW works on my skin.

What happen to myself actually? Few months ago, I tried Tati Skincare, banyak kali dengar dah lama dengar but entah tak berminat. Then my babes kat UTM pakai and I can seeeeee how much she changed. Reaaaaaaaaaaaally pretty. I just can't resist. So I pun beli, I pakai and taraaaaaaaaa I become quite pretty, licin sia muka, glowing gituh. After lebih sikit from separuh guna produk tu, kita dikejutkan dengan berita & laporan pasal night and treatment cream dia yang tak lulus KKM. Its mercury and hydroqunoin. When I read about these two wow, anak boleh cacat, you can get cancer and so on. Its crazy. But then I'm willing yet to stop sebab I know the consequences.

I pernah terlupa pakai night and treatment cream sebab busy dengan program, penat and blabla. My face breakout really bad. 2 hari stop terus jahanam muka. So i patuh & disiplin, because I'm afraid. Then I stop pakai really slowly sebab kesedaran kesihatan tu memuncak time tu. And yes, as expected I breakout dengan sangat teruk, esp during FESK058. But I still pakai night and treatment cream sbb tu kan time program besar, nak jumpa orang semua, I need to spare some confident.

After FESKO aku terus buang Tati and I ordered Amour Skincare, still yet a local product. Stupid me. And supriseeeee, night and treatment cream dia sebijik macam Tati, warna, tekstur & kesan. Wow. But time tu aku penat dah, aku pakai jelah. Yes cantik! Bila baca testimoni bodoh dia tu cakap pasal bekas pengguna tati yang telah breakout now dah cantik balik blabla, bila stop pakai tak breakout pun blablabla.

Nak jadi cerita, my night cream habis tak lebih kurang sebulan pakai, day cream banyak lagi, treatment pun. So aku stop pakai, wohaa breakout sebijik like Tati. I don't know why takde orang complain about this product yet. Bekas pengguna Tati takkan tak perasan?

[gonna cont in part 2]

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