Let you go, I'll walk away beautifully


At last I told my mom lol haha. Aku rasa macam aku menipu pulak bila aku tak bagitahu haha. I know she will make me feel more better. Moreeeee betterrrr. Ibu terkejut kerana saya sangat kuat haha. Anyway, ibu terkejut ohmakkau because kami berkawan. Lol, she say its okay. She told me I need to be young because I'm still young. Not like any others young people who are tied with adult commitment. Ibu cakap, she want someone yang ada higher education level than me. Ustaz tak ustaz, dunia akhirat kena seimbang.

Aku dah besar so my mom was so open-minded when talking abt this. She wants me to be happy and stay pretty LAH SANGAT MENYAMPAH MENYAMPAH. Haha, betul apa. My mom nakkan yang terbaik untuk aku, ada logiknya bila ibu kata, she want me to have someone yang ada education yang lebih tinggi daripada aku. Tak pelik pon kan? Its not that, education kat dunia ni yang most important than education akhirat but, for my future I want the best. Haha, siaaaal lah aku nihhh urghhh, apasal lah cakap macamni haha.

Aku nak hadapkan ustaz lain kat awakk sayang. Haha, takdelah gurau je. I'll show you my SPM result will be kebaboom haha. InsyaAllah, doakan saya. Stay healthy stay handsome ye awak. I'm okay, there is a lot of people outside there who love me. Cepat korang, wave your hand lalala~

Assalamualaikum Jazakallahu khairan.

With love,

#Thankyou my flowers suk, aida, kak shafeeqah and alia gedik. Mostly, thankyou Allah.

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